Steam Clean: Perfect Mushroom Substrate Pasteurization

How to pasteurize mushroom substrate with steam? To pasteurize mushroom substrate with steam, place the substrate in a heat-resistant container and steam it at 160-180°F (70-82°C) for 1-2 hours. Ensure the container is covered to maintain the temperature and prevent contamination. After steaming, let the substrate cool down in a clean environment before inoculating with … Read more

Hot Water Pasteurization: A simple method for mushroom cultivation

Can Hot Water Effectively Pasteurize Substrate? Yes, hot water can effectively pasteurize mushroom substrate by killing harmful micro-organisms. The process involves immersing the substrate in hot water for 60-90 minutes and keeping the substrate core temperature range between 140F – 170F. Effectiveness of Hot Water for Pasteurizing Mushroom Substrate The hot water technique is a … Read more

Pasteurizing vs. Sterilizing: Which is Best for Your Substrate?

What is the difference between pasteurizing and sterilizing mushroom substrate? Pasteurizing mushroom substrate kills the majority of competing micro-organisms, keeping a few beneficial microbes for protection. Sterilizing kills all competing micro-organisms, including the beneficial ones. Pasteurization is better suited for agricultural waste products such as straws and manure while sterilization is necessary for dense, nutrient … Read more